Year: 2016 (Page 2 of 4)

Vang Vieng & Vientiane – part 1 of our trip

The first part of our trip that we told you about included Vang Vieng and Vientiane. Both are quite interesting cities and we want to tell you a bit about our experiences there.

Vang Vieng – a tourist city in amazing landscape

Vang Vieng, a small city, is located in the middle of the northern part of Laos, about half the way from Luang Prabang to Vientiane. This makes it easy to include in our trip and it’s worth it! The city is embedded in a wonderful landcape with unique hills and mountains around it. For us, it felt like it has been cut out of a picture book. We decided to get to see more of the nature around Vang Vieng by cycling west of Nam Song river. The paths are not all street-like, but it’s quite flat and you’ll get rewarded for your effort.

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We took the midnight train goin’ anywhere

Member first lines of this Journey Song (“Don’t stop believing”)?

“Just two german boys, living in a new world…” yada yada yada. But we weren’t about looking for love or whatever the point of this song is anyway. There was just a bag positioned in Bangkok and a lot to see on this side of the planet, we decided to settle on for a while.

The dining car of the night train

The dining car of the night train

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S01E01 – “Dekadenz im Flieger”

The X-Ray Men – Apocalyptus Now!

Über den Wolken muss die Beinfreiheit wohl grenzenlos sein, drei Ritte auf Metalldrachen und 1001 Röntgenstrahlen später in Auckland angekommen.


Entgegen der Gerüchte gab es keinen Absturz, nicht im Nachtleben und auch nicht mit dem Flieger, dafür haben sich die Autoren etwas ganz geiles einfallen: Alles auf Rechnung! Im Flieger gabs Schnaps, Bier, sogar Wein aufs Haus und per Touch Bildschirm konnte man sichs Bier noch an den Platz liefern lassen.  Dazu noch aktuelle Filme und bei Air New Zealand sogar die sechste Staffel Game of Thrones und am Ende stellt sich eine Frage: Wie kann man sich nur so hart gönnen? Beinfreiheit war in Ordnung, Essen auch, Service geil und Multimedia endgeschmeidig, was ist das für 1 Life?

Preise hier unten sind utopisch hoch. Wenn ne Kopfzelle 5 NZ$ kostet ist doch böses im Busch!

Bisher noch nicht gesichtet: Lorde 🙁

Some things about characters and their purpose

Depending on how observing you are, you might have noticed that all the drawings I posted on this website until now are depictions of characters. And since I never actually posted a blog entry that isn’t some kind of explanation why there is/ or was no frequent content on Aelizebeth for a while, I decided to take the opportunity of my recently finished drawing to give you a little insight about my thoughts concerning those characters I draw. So let’s start with the most recent one!

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